Anatomy critique wanted

What are somethings I could improve or fix in this drawing? More specifically I need to fix something about the torso, but I don't know what. Any criticism of the rendering would also be welcome.
Its kind a good ,but it will be definitely better if you add some soft spots, now everything its sharp and its weird
As everyone has mentioned, the major issues are the proportions, specifically the length of the trunk. You’re halfway to solving this since you’re thinking about the skeleton, though. If you look at your skeletal drawing, you’ll see that his rib cage is much too close to his pelvis. This is the true value of learning anatomy, as understanding what’s going in underneath the surface of the body helps you understand what’s happening on the parts we can see.
Hi @Fish. I would strongly recommend diving into the figure drawing fundamentals course. I think the anatomy in your drawing is good, but it´s not built on strong figure drawing.
A few years ago I dreamed of being able to draw Tarzan. The Disney movie had been my favorite since I was a baby. I really wanted to learn anatomy, I found proko´s course, but realized that I was lacking the fundamentals.
It was difficult to realize that, because it felt like my goal of being able to draw Tarzan was miles away, but I decided to take the figure drawing course anyway. I´m so glad I did! It gave me exactly what I wanted!; being able to draw gestural 3-dimensional figures, from imagination. I learned the most important part of drawing Tarzan!
And to my suprise my figures felt quite accurate eventhough I didn´t know anatomy. It was like I had learned the pattern of the human body. I realized that rather than thinking of the figure drawing course being a obstacle in front of the anatomy course, it is more like the Anatomy 1 course.
There´s lots of good stuff going on in your drawing and I think you´ll really appreciate the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course, since it will help you take your drawings to a whole new level!
I hope this help :)
also, i see an extra layer of serratus or obliques (?) i've seen manga artist also did this and in comics, it's not quite accurate to the textbook tho, and keep in mind how the raising of the arm also pulls the pec up so the crease on the pec which the arm is lifted shouldn't be as thic as the other. I also think the hands and legs might be too big.. or is it the wrists.. i don't really know.. but steve's draw over seems about right, i think you already learned a lot from his draw over.. hope this helps
Hey Fish,
Gabriel is correct, your drawing is suffering from proportion issues. What I do is work out my proportions and perspective in a structural drawing first, then go to details. I did a draw over to show you what I mean. I hope this helps :)
I'm going to say proportions. If you meassure your figure using the head's height, I think it's a little short. I would also pay attention to the pec, shoulder and bicep of his left arm from a reference or looking at the corresponding proko videos. Abs are also symmetrical and obliques, ribs and serratus might need fixing but I could be wrong. I would definitely compare it against a reference and maybe trace the anatomy over the photo to compare and fix if required.