Alternatives to Drawabox?

I’m about half way through the 250 box challenge in the Drawabox series and am starting to find it really uninspiring. At the same time I am working through the new fundamentals course here and really enjoying it.
I know I need to focus on the fundamentals taught in Drawabox but also know that most of the great artists I admire did not do this course so there must be alternatives.
So my questions are: Do art students go through something similar to draw a box in art school meaning I should just tough it out? Is there another course/methodology for teaching the same principles that might be less boring and repetitive?
I also struggled with drawabox as it was too repetitive and dry for me. I found Proko to be an alternative! For perspective lessons I downloaded Marshall's video lessons (from 1994) and otherwise it might be worth buying a book or two on perspective (not bought any myself yet).
Otherwise I think the content on here gives you what you need in my opinion. I went to art school and I have learned a lot more about drawing here on this platform than what I did there!
Thank you Siv! That’s another recommendation for Marshall’s perspective lessons so I will definitely give them a try. I remember Stan mentioning in a podcast with Marshall that he was going to do a perspective class here but I guess that never came to fruition.
I did the lessons up to lesson 6 with official critiques of draw a box.
Btw I didn't go to art school so I can't really tell you if they go over such things or not. But well I do have my share of experience with draw a box.
Right now I'm finding exercises and much more to help me studie, because I had the same problem with draw a box as you have. I don't recommend just to try to tough it out, but to take your time with it and maybe take breaks from it if you need it.
I would recommend you to go on marshall vandruffs website and buy his old perspective course. It is old....really old and it shows in the video quality but still a treasure trove of knowlege. As for exercises well mashall once did a can find it also on his website and it's a free video. there were 3 exercises that I found really good.
here is the link for his coure:
and here is the link for the exercises:
Hi vonun, thanks for the thoughtful response. I will definitely check out those Vandruff lessons!
Yes, there are alternatives, but draw a box really does make your path easier than if you had to read a book on the subject, for beginners on perspective I really don't see a better alternative, and it really helps if you want to start with more complicated books like "How to draw" by Scott Robertson.
Thanks for sharing your experience. With the advice from yourself and Izak, I will continue on with drawabox and try and see it through.
In my opinion, drawabox is great for developing eye-hand coordination: I really wish I had known about this in animation school, where I realised my motor skills sucked big time, while my teachers kept repeating that I should draw more. However, after the first fistful of exercises, drawabox is less useful. The value of Drawabox is not in drawing boxes.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I figure I will at least finish the 250 box challenge and then see if I can keep going.