Planning to buy Proko courses at some point but did this quick pear sketch and tried to copy it but with another pear photo. Btw i did this with just a mechnical pencial so thats why the shading may not be great. But yall thought?
Great first attempt. It is very challenging to find edges in a soft gradation. So don’t be hard on yourself. Getting out the pencil is already a win. Keep going. Try squinting your eyes to get the pear a little out of focus to help the different values pop out more. Hope it helps.
This is a rather difficult image to use as a value study because there's little value change and it's mostly softened out. I would recommend continuing your practice using a reference with more of a strong light and shadow, whether it be from photo or even real life. That said, props to you for tackling this!
For feedback, you have 5 distinct value steps, but I would say the shadow area is found closer to the edges, following the roundness of the pear, as the majority of the pear is hit by light. And even though an area is hit by light, usually the purest white is only found in small areas of concentrated highlight. Due to local color, like the pear's green in this case, and the rotation away from the strongest point of light, most of the area of light will be halftones, so the 2nd and 3rd lightest values. You will find the strongest shadow, and the darkest value, in the pear stem and the very small sliver at the bottom point of the pear where it meets the floor. Hope this helps!