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Been practicing on nomad sculptRecently got it so new to the program and sculpting. Any thoughts?
Planning to buy Proko courses at some point but did this quick pear sketch and tried to copy it but with another pear photo. Btw i did this with just a mechnical pencial so thats why the shading may not be great. But yall thought?
Steve Lenze
Hey sunk9ller,
This pose isn't too stiff, but it could use some more gesture. Also, I don't know exactly what the costume looks like, but try to use wrinkles and seams for perspective and to show anatomy. I did a quick sketch to show you how I would do it :)
Thanks again!!! Ur art rn saving me lmao costume still a challenge to me so I’ll note on that. For the costume it’s based on Inuit people fur coats since the setting she’s in is a harsh cold environment. But for her costume material specifically it’s made out of multiple bedsheets sewn together, which I should put more detail in lol
took an advice from line of action to help with my poses so they could be less stiff. How does it look? I always wanted to draw cool actions poses and stuff
Steve Lenze
What I notice the most is that you need to focus on your drawing. Painting is drawing. Your painting will only be as good as the frame work you build with your drawing.
As far as your painting goes, pay attention to your edges and values.
I did a couple of quick sketches to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Thanks man ill try that out! :) I always find this sort of stuff confusing but ill try this out!
Same character but I wanna know if I drew my main Ghanaian mc girl while also looking like a 30 yo women. Most of my ocs are teens but I wanna draw more adult characters and trying to escape my whole same face syndrome ordeal
I still don’t have a name for her sadly but for some reason I’ve been very hyperfixated on her as of recent. So basically she used to be an every 5 days a week early 30 yo office worker just trying to get through life and it’s hardship. She hates being on her own and it’s worst that she has to live on her own due to job. However her life isn’t completely miserable due to her close bond with her friends, coworkers and especially family that have her not see life as completely hopeless or crappy. However, in her past life/world, people, animals, public figures, and even complete buildings just immediately disappear. This started ever since she was born but it’s just a big coincidence lol. However, she sadly became victim of this strange disappearance which leads her being sent to a completely different world as well as one of her close friend/coworker, but they were separated. Now she has to find a way to go back home in this magical yet mysterious world. Whats yall thoughts on her?
All of these are kinda old, like around this summer and my early college semester, but i would like some advice on how to improve on understanding painting and anatomy from other artist :)