A couple latest illustrations
Pasi Leinonen
I'm taking a turn on a darker style, how do you like these?
Feel free to comment/feedback.
Both are really cool designs. I'd like to see you push the weird factor even more, like into Dark Souls territory.
One Moon to rule them all. This Ringwraith is based on Tolkiens Lord of the rings. I think if you are not a LOTR fan, this could have a little explanation. In the books, there are nine of these wraith creatures, that are all bind to the Master ring, that rules them all. So I tried to bind the background in to the Tolkiens world :)
Asked for help
Hi! I have often a problem adjusting the values of my illustrations. I tend to go with too dark or saturated tones. I feel that my eyes work differently on different days and almost like different time of the day :D Does this make any sense? Does anyone struggle with similar problem and is there a tips/solution to adjusting your values/tones?
That is really interesting. Are you working too long? Maybe it's eye fatigue. Or if you work later in your day you could be tired and have eye fatigue. It could also be a change in the light within the room you're working in.
Some common tips for mapping values:
1] squint eyes to see value relations
2] Leave highlights for the last, use it with control
3] Group values in three: highlight, midtone, dark
I hope this helps. I also struggle with values. Best way to be sure about your values is to make little studies before jumping in to final illustration.
Hi Pasi, that same thing happens to me often. What I usually do is to take a break and resume the painting on the next day or after a few hours. Other things that might help is to turn your image into greyscale tones to better assess your image, or even get an image you love and use it as a reference for your values
From My Point of View, as someone who is looking for inspiration, it's great to see your development sketches.
Beautiful!! The composition is very good. I really like the way you have blended all the elements except the archer's body and the dragon's head which are so sharp and vivid!
Hey, @Pasi Leinonen, these are awesome! There’s so much story in them, it all feels really inviting and intriguing. The shape design and compositions are very striking. I’m noticing it looks like a series, so it gets me curious, what is it all about, is it an illustrated book, or is it concept art or something else?
As a suggestion: in the first one, when I look at it in a small size, I feel as if its levels are turned slightly too dark, so maybe there could be some higher values spread throughout the scene or concentrated in the focal point as a way to compensate for it?
The second one, to me, is just flawless. I absolutely love it!
Hope this helps.
Keep up the great work!
Asked for help
Hi! Here few latest. Very different in style, but fun! :D Feedback is welcome!
they look so good man. The last image, the bushes in the foreground, they look very dark and that really catch the attention, what i would recommend is make the central character more lighted, so it can make more like a path from the character to the area around.
I painted another version of this mystic forest druid, I think it's ok for now. MEGA BIG thanks @Liandro & @Josh Sunga for pushing my forward, you really help a lot!
Hey @Pasi Leinonen, great work! I think @Liandro has summed up a great critique already which was cool to see we share similar feedback. His last note about the repetitive orientation of crosses helped my paintover :)
Anyways I'll just leave you with the images because I second everything he explained already.
Again, really cool work!
@Liandro and @Josh Sunga Thank you for the feedback. I re-painted this creature based on your feedback and guidance. Please see the Gatekeeper! :D Thanks again, you help me to grow..
@Josh Sunga ! Oh my, you blew my mind with this drop. You just gave me a treasure chest and I'm looking into and see these beautiful golden coins, goblets, jewelry, diamonds, sapphires, amethysts.
I can't thank you enough.
I have 3 paintings going on, and I will use your feedback in all of them. I will also repaint these two using your beautiful paintovers as a guide.
You can't imagine how it feels to draw over an decade on your own, using PDF's, YT videos, books etc and then realize how much it really means to get a professional breakdown from your personal work.
I would love to have you as a mentor!
You are really pushing me to the next level.
Thank you so much and have a great day Sir!
Hey, @Pasi Leinonen, pretty cool work! I really like your ideas! :D
I think the first one has a nice composition and ambience overall. The character design suggests the concept of some sort of dark powerful figure. One thing I'd try to push further is the gesture of his pose - I feel like he could be puffing the chest, raising the chin and opening the arms even more to really convey the idea of power and confidence. Maybe playing with the camera angle could also be interesting: framing it even more from the bottom up to stage his feeling of superiority.
The second one is such a great concept - feels as creepy as appealing to me, hehe! I also love the simplified background design and the work with textures. And for this one, I actually have a few insights which I hope can help:
. The perspective of the character's limbs seems a tiny bit incongruent with the rest of the pose - his head and body seem to be on a side view, while the forearms, hands and feet seem to be a bit more towards a 3/4 back view, as if he was walking into the graveyard (which is actually an interesting idea, but just gotta make sure the anatomy makes sense in the whole);
. There's a long stem on the grave right behind the character which is creating a tangency with the character's chin - I'd try designing the negative spaces around that area in order to avoid creating that tangent. Also, the other thin long structure dropping down from the character's chin feels a bit confusing to me (I wonder if it's a beard, a bone, or drooling...?), so I suppose a bit more design work there might help.
. Maybe you can preserve that nice-looking simplified design on the elements farther back (which might create a nice feeling of atmosphere), but add some other environment elements with a bit more 3-dimensionality towards the foreground. And I think defining the environment's ground plane a bit more could help clarify the perspective of the scene, which would also help better figure out the forms and direction of the character's feet in particular.
. I notice the angle of most crosses on the background are very similar, which conveys a sense of regularity and repetition to the shape design. I see no problem with keeping it that way if you prefer, but, personally, I'd try giving those angles a little more variation!
That's it! Hope it helps.
Great work overall! Keep it up!
Thank you so much @Liandro , it's really helping a lot.
I have a problem with static poses and that is something I need to break out from.
Is there a course that covers dynamic shots and poses here in Proko?
And super duper muchos dankes about your feedback on the second illustration! Man I love you!
I was aware about those anatomical incorrections, but now that you pointed those out, it really hurts my guts, and I realize, that if I'm aware of some incorrections, I should really do my best to make it better!
I now want to change character into 3/4 back view and walking in the the graveyard. Makes more sense. And add more realistic perspective on the shot with foreground elements. Maybe a creepy gate... hmm...
Thanks again!