5 to 8 minute Gesture drawings

Athul Krishna
These are my recent gesture drawing's . I've been drawing gestures for a while now
What should i do next, Am I ready to start learning anatomy ?
How can I improve ?
Hey, @Athul Krishna, nice job! I totally agree with the previous comments and suggestions by @Steve Lenze and @Volker Wuyts, and I thought I’d just add up to them by a tiny bit. If you’ve been practicing gesture for a while, but hasn’t studied other figure drawing fundamental topics such as landmarks, balance or proportion, or even the Robo-bean and mannequinization, as Volker said, I’d definitely recommend that you take some time to go through Stan’s entire Figure Drawing Fundamentals before stepping into deeper studies on anatomy. The Figure fundamentals course will surely be a good way for you to get a “big picture” of the human body, which should then be the foundation for you to really take advantage of learning more detailed anatomy later down the road. Hope this helps!
I think those are very good. The only thing is that they are a little too detailled for gesture drawings, there are too much muscular shapes. Try to find the flow of the limbs. Some great exercises to transition into the anatomy course are the robo bean and mannequinization. Good luck
Hey Athul,
These are really nice drawings, the proportions are good and they feel solid.
That said, I think these are not pure gesture drawings because you have added anatomy to the contour. That's not to say that they do not have gesture because they do, but gesture drawings start with a line, either an "s" or a "c" shape from top to bottom of the pose. Then that gesture carries into the limbs and so forth.
What you have though is nice solid figures. So, I think you should step up to adding some light and shadow to them. Not full on rendering, just a core shadow and some tone to fill in the shadow. I think this will really elevate your drawings and will be a good transition to full rendering when your ready.
I did a couple of examples over your drawings. Now, I don't have the reference, so I just made up the shadows based on experience, but I think you will get the point. I think your drawings will look really good like this and hope you give it a try. I hope this was helpful :)
Thank you for your detailed reply😊. I really appreciate it. I’m definitely going to try out your suggestions