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added comment inWarmup - One-Point Boxes
Asked for help
Here are some of my warmups.
I'm not sure why in some, I lose the shape of the front face as it goes to wards the vanishing point. I start with a rectangle and the front face shape behind appears to look square.
All feedback appreciated.
for your last image at least, that you point out specifically it looking square, i believe that's due to the bottom line connecting the two sides being at an incorrect angle. the angle of that line has the left side lower than the right, when it should be the opposite. if you take a straight edge along that line and move it carefully forward to align with the front rectangular box you should see what i mean.
(If you dont want to read all this, go down to the summary at the end)
What sketchbooks should I buy to draw with? I am a complete beginner but I have drawn from time to time. I think I like slightly thicker paper? I have these writing blocks at home and I like number 1 more(20g heavier) than number 2. So I guess I should go with heavier.
But I have one problem. I was in a 8 week(once every week, so 8 times) drawing beginner class a year ago. And I remember hating it because the teacher never really taught us beginner stuff, he just had us draw still-life(without teaching us how yo make lines, hwo to shade, etc...). But thats not why I hated it. I remember feeling fear because I didnt know "how" to make the lines I wanted and "how" to get the still-life to my paper. Here is the thing I hated, I felt like my paper was different from the other peoples paper, like my paper showed through more, more white spots and I didnt know how to fix that. So I guess my paper texture was too rough?
I had to smudge it out to fix it(and it still showed sometimes) while the other people didnt have to.
Short version of all text:
What paper should I get? I like printer paper, a little heavier paper, but not too rough paper(I think?, probably like smooth)
if you can, go to an art store and touch the paper in the sketchbooks there. i like a thick, smooth-ish paper and tend to go towards a mixed media sketchbook because i like to use markers and the occasional bit of ink wash or liquid graphite for fun.
i don't know what's available to you, but digging through my various sketchbooks strathmore fine or medium tooth drawing or sketch paper would likely suit your tastes. or if you're wanting bigger sheets i think they use "smooth" for the texture identification on those. bristol paper is also quite smooth, and it's nice and thick (270 gsm, nearly as thick as watercolor paper) if you really want a thick one lol.
do you know what kind of paper you had in your class?