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Real Jr
Asked for help
Good morning, i'm almost finishing the second page of dissection exercise but i just wrote the textures names in portuguese in the pages. Srry for that. Hehe
Real Jr
Asked for help
Some days passed since my last post, i just finished the number 100 box and to make things right, i decided to pick 10 randon number from 1 to 100 to take some photos of the pages that contains those number so i could post some boxes impersonally to ask if you think that may i go to the next lesson "countor lines, textures and construction". Thanks for your time one more time.
@Christopher Beaven
Great idea on randomizing the choice that way you're not picking only the best to show!
Yes! Keep moving on. Believe me you will get a ton of practice on drawing form in space through DAB. Even if you're boxes aren't great right now the rest of the course will still train your ability to render 3D form.
Sorry for delay in reply I've just finished moving to a new house. Yay! I will try and connect more soon.
Real Jr
Hello again @Christopher Beaven , i just started the box challenge and i'm using my brush pen to variate thickness of the lines easier, but i'm not shure if this can be a problem for this exercise, this are the brush pen and the first 12 boxes that i made, my question is, do you think that using the brush pen will be less efective for tge propose of this exercise? May i change back to the fineliner? Thank you once more and have a nice day 😊
In my opinion its better to do them with a fine line. Also, I wouldn't worry about making any lines thicker than others like is said in the lessons. The most important here is getting an understanding of 3D form and being able to check how close you've come to boxes that are accurate in perspective but not perfect. The brush pen and thick lines will get in the way of that. But keep the brush pen, you will need it for later exercises.
Real Jr
@Christopher Beaven This is my last atempt of the rotated boxes homework, i dont realy know if i can go foward to the next exercise, may i go to the next?
That is a really hard exercise. I did that months and months ago and I didn't feel that it was helpful as rotating boxes in space. Definitely move on from here, you're not looking for perfect, you want millage, and a healthy understanding of where you can improve with every exercise. Keep sharing, if you're way off on anything I will try and help.
Real Jr
Asked for help
just finished this one, my proposal was to create a version of the 1939 Finnish Molotov cocktail in a wine bottle, I tried to represent inside it two liquids merging as if they had just been added to the container. i've used one reference of bottle and other to the mechanism outside of the bottle. i dont know if i could make the drawing feel like the propose so i want you to make some critics about it and if you think that i could made some thing diferent, please let me know. Any critique will be welcome
The shading is wonderful, but unfortunately the bottle looks flat. There are two reasons why it looks like this to me. One, is the outline. It flattens out the bottle much like an outline on cartoons flatten out everything. Two, and probably the biggest issue is that your ellipses for the straps around the bottom end at too sharp of angles. The degrees of the ellipse will round out a bit more on the edge. Other than that it looks great. I don't think you need to practice rendering anything for a long while, your shading looks wonderful. Just work on communicating 3D structure more. Great job! Keep producing!
Real Jr
I loved the art as a whole, I can visualize emotions in it, even though it is very good, as your request was for criticism, the only thing that caught my attention was the face, looking at the region of the nose, because according to the angle of the head I believe you could have projected it slightly more out of the edge of the face, if only a little, because as in the part of the body the fabric of the clothes brings a lot of movement, I get this feeling of a straighter face when I look exclusively at him, but this may have been on purpose. I hope I had the ability to help in some way, your drawing was amazing 🙂
Account deleted
I still see this as a quick sketch and sketches always need refinement. You mentioned the nose so a took a second look and I agree with you. I also noticed something off about the ear. When I first saw the picture I thought it looked like an earring but now I'm not sure,
So I want to compliment you on your good eye @Real Jr I didn't notice these at first.
I edited the photo to show what I mean by it being a lighting/shading thing.
My apologies @RItesh Dhande. When I edited your drawing I darkened the part of her hair like it was a hood...woops. I was only trying to adjust the shading on the nose and ear or earring. I thought keeping it dark behind the face would help but completely forgot it was supposed to be a few strands of hair hanging rather than the outline of a hood hahah oh well.
Real Jr, you mention projecting the nose out more. I think you're on to something but instead of moving the tip of the nose I brought the bridge of the nose in more. Then adjusted the way the shade and light form the tip of the nose.
I did have to drop the side of the nostril down. Also brightened the light side of the face over all and darkened the dark side of the face. Then adjusted the way the light hit that plane where the cheek meets the nose.
If what I thought of as an earring is actually the ear then yeah the ear is way too low. Same with the nose being slanted up. I think what's happening is the wonky shading making it look like the nose is tilted up. And that's actually an earring.
When I look at RItesh's picture I see someone who has a good grasp of anatomy and proportion over all. I mean, just look at those hands. The way the clothes drape. RItesh has skills.
Real Jr
Asked for help
Few days since my last post, i've been doing the homeworks from lesson 1 (drawabox), today i just did the first rough perspective exercise (last foto) and i think its good, far from perfection, but i'm ok with that. I just want to know if i'm doing right the exercises and aiming on the right targets of the objective. @Christopher Beaven thank you again for your time and direction 🙏🏻
And any comments are welcome ✌🏻
Ps:The blue lines on the last page were made if a ruler; in the penultimate page, the lines are in pencil and the boxes in pen to make easier to see.
I forgot to mention. Always have a "performance" piece going while your practicing. Performance = any art work that you would love to create, something from the heart, something you want to communicate. Because the performance pieces are the PURPOSE for all this practice. Don't lose sight of the reason for the practice.
If the purpose of drawing all these boxes and lines is to help you draw hands better, or figures, or that next great comic you want to draw, don't wait. Start it now. Have a healthy balance between practice and performance through your day.
Yes! These look awesome! Don't worry too much about being perfectly exact with these. This is just the beginning exercises to get you familiar with 3D space. All of the rest of the exercise will build on this foundation and you will have constant practice with 3D form and perspective but with different exercises.
I pulled a lot of the ideas from the first few DAB exercises to construct a daily warmup that I do before every art session. You can see an example on one of my latest posts:
The key here is to keep moving forward through the DAB lessons and to not burn out.
For the 250 box and cylinder challenge I would suggest only doing 100 of each. 250 is overkill.
Great job keep it up!