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Val Vlahovic
added comment inPractice: Terminator Studies
Asked for help
These were really fun! The garlic one was done on tracing paper over my original sketch, which I accidentally ruined with some spilled tea. I did not stop to establish proportions on any of these because I was hubristic and impatient, and some pretty egregious proportional errors resulted, especially on the skull. Oh, well. Critique would be greatly appreciated and is badly needed, as I don't feel confident that I understand what I'm doing.
Tess Enarsson
Hi Val, I think this is looking really good! Nice cuts of the terminator edge.
Val Vlahovic
You should provide a link to the lesson you mentioned in the video.
Val Vlahovic
Asked for help
These look almost painfully "off" to me, but I can't pinpoint exactly what's wrong--this assignment has revealed just how limited my understanding of light really is!
As you can see, I completely lack any understanding of where to place the cast shadow. I know that lines can be drawn from the light source and through the endpoints of the terminator to project one axis of the cast shadow, but I don't see how those lines alone give you enough information to place the cast shadow--how do you its angle and degree and center point (if those are even the right terms)? Am I missing something obvious here?
the cast shadow technically is where the light will be incident at an 90 degree angle to the surface when it is smooth
i would suggest you to learn how to draw cross contours and and understanding form before shading as it will make the process to learn shading smoother