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Imani Brown
added comment inBean Examples – Tilt, Lean, Twist and Foreshortening
I did a few beans, any advice or critism for improvement? I did these as warm-ups in between my busy schedule.
Vera Zgonik
Maybe in the first pose you could move the centreline so that it extends to the bottom part - we can see the pelvis front although it’s a bit twisted. I hope that makes sense...
hello, these are some of the beans that i drew. Did them before Stan and then compared to his drawings. And I have a problem with twisting, takes me a while to decide what way should I twist them.
2nd try...I was trying to make some cross contours but I really suck at it so far... I’ll keep trying-just wanted to show I try;) any feedback very appreciated,I love your suggestions- they are really helpful! Thank you, guys!
I'm new as well so I don't know if I'll be of any help. Maybe try to vary the strenth of the lines as Proko does to make the sketching of spheres less visible and to show the curves at the end more?
I used bird for the pose, gave him seahorse head with grasshoppers antennae, mushroom texture on the head, fern wing, beatle feet and tail from daisy and jellyfish. For the bkg I used the landscape reference... I know I should polish it but it’s 4 am and I wouldn’t make it to the deadline...
so this is a sketch I made in Procreate that I’m just getting to know...
Vera Zgonik
Asked for help
Hi, I'm Vera from Slovenia - a tiny country in the middle of Europe (ex Yugoslavia). I have a PhD in biology and was a scientific researcher for 20 years but decided to give art a try because drawing at night and doing research at day with 3 kids is not sustainable in the long run as I found out;). (I was sick all the time due to the lack of sleep). So now I am trying to make it as a freelance illustrator and my end goal is to become a children's book illustrator.
I have no art education (except online classes) so any help and criticism are more than welcome! I am immensely grateful to Proko, all the professionals and everyone for taking the time for looking at this - you are the best!
Thank you so much!
I like the soft gray and brown ink lines you used in most of the pieces. Gives the feeling of light