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added comment inWhat living artists currently inspire you?
Zoe Tilley Poster
Katie Runde
Alexis Deacon
Marco Ieie
Angeles Ruiz
Isabelle Arsenault
P a o l a e s c o b a r
Matthew Forsythe
Beatrice Alemagna
Albeniz Rodrigues
Carolyn Gavin
Carlo Stanga
Joao Fazenda
This is only one of the many reasons why art is important to humanity and useful to society: it can help us feel less alone. Marshall shares a story on the Draftsmen Podcast about a student he had who grew up homeless. Whenever his mother had extra money, she would buy Sonic Hedgehog comics for him. I don't know the comics, but apparently, through thick and thin, Sonic always came through. The student as a young boy would tell himself, "If Sonic can do it, so can I." If you hear Marshall tell this story on the podcast, it's much more inspiring, and I'm feeling emotional just thinking about it. Books have kept me going throughout my life. Graphic novels have meant much to marginalized teens in all walks of life. If your art reaches one person and helps them, it's a reason to keep making art.
Hi Cesar, I'm interested in joining a study group of 3-5 people. Have you heard from others? I've been working on the course for a while and, like you, would be motivated by discussing with others until we complete the course.
hi, thanks for your interest, I honestly thought people were no interested because I posted it on the drawings fundamentals but no one replied (so I deleted it). I'll post it again I think if we have at least 3 persons we can start rolling
Kiki K.
I am stuck with beans; how long should I do this practice until I can move on? I have done the lesson twice; and this is the 3rd re-do of the twist section. Short of memorizing the poses; I have a hard time seeing whether the torso or the pelvis is in front. Any feedback would be appreciated. Tia
Hi Tia, in one episode of his Draftsmen podcast, Stan talked about the "imposter syndrome", and said that people should spend maybe 2 weeks tops on each lesson. (I don't know how many hours he has in mind.) Sometimes, an earlier lesson only begins to click as we move on to later ones. And if you spend like 2 years on the bean (he specifically said that), you'll never progress. He says "It never seems like your exercises are where they should be to go to the next level. You need to keep pressing forward, even when things aren't easy yet. Push through, then go back and do it again later. None of the exercises are meant to make you a master. Learning is a spiral, not a straight line." Some things we'll continue to come back to for a lifetime, like gesture, and that's as it should be.
As for your samples, I'm a beginner and can't comment with authority, but your beans look pretty graceful to me. I think with all of the lessons, if you've honestly given it a good shot and put some hours in, move on to the next lesson. Sorry to go on so long; writing to remind myself as well!