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Asked for help
Another try, from thumbnail to rough sketch. I like the idea of the upper left and central thumbnails, that I tried to develop into a rough sketch.
I still struggle however with the likeness (in the features mostly, I think). I can’t put the reference photo sadly, because of GDRP, but I would really appreciate any feedbacks on the overall structure and consistency of the distortions. @Court Jones ? Anyone ?
I also don't know what GDRP is and why it would prevent you from uploading a photo of the person. Let us know. The main problem with the rough sketch is there is a consistent skew to its structure. The shapes are "leaning" up and to the right. Especially the jaw, ears and glasses. My guess is you drew this on a flat table (or at least a low angle) and are right-handed. When you create a drawing looking at your paper surface from a low angle the shapes will look fine from that perspective. But when you look at them straight on, the skewed perspective becomes more obvious. If that is not the case and your paper surface was propped upright in front of you, then you need to focus on why you are doing that. Be sure to use parallel and perpendicular guidelines to map out where the features of the face will go.
Good Evening: For me, it's hard to tell a likeness without the originally image to look at. I do not recognize this individual, so I don't know if they are famous or not. With that said, your rough sketch look well done, and the over all sketch still looks like a rough, but also a work in progress. My eyes keep going to the one in the upper left. I would focus on that concept and see where it takes you. (Not sure what GDRP is) Lastly, the jaw line looks off on the single sketch. The right side (his left) looks sharper where the opposite side looks more puffy.
Keep up good work.
Asked for help
Hi there ! I’ve been following this lesson a couple of weeks ago. After trying different thumbnails, here is the final sketch, with ink. I didn’t actually pushed it further. Any advice to help me improve on this ? Thanks 😃
This looks pretty well done. Your crosshatching looks pretty clean and straight. Nice job. Like the larger nose. I took a look at your pervious post as well, and that sketch looks more like a profile portrait than a caricature, but still looks well done.
Its good. You are going to have trouble finding people who are able to give good advice at that level.
Asked for help
Thumbnail sketching done a few weeks ago. First sketch done in graphite, the others done with black pen. Harder to get it correct in terms of anatomy, but maybe easier to try and exaggerate as much as possible. What do you think ?
(thanks again for these really interesting videos on caricature, helped me improve a lot !)
Is something planned on landscape drawing/painting courses ? Really happy of this new platform !