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added comment inHow to “Wing It” with Color Design
Here are my silhouettes and a work in progress of my lineup :) I made a kind of wacky tomato gang. I spent a long time colouring it in photoshop and none of my results really worked. I had a lot of trouble with the atmospheric perspective. I am also new to photoshop so it was just an overall slog and after a couple of days I had to call it. I learned a lot though and I am going to go through the whole course again with some different prompts in mind and hopefully come to a more definitive end point.
Really loved this course a lot and learned a huge amount.
Also feedback very welcome :)
Andre Camargo
Hi Tara, those are some great shapes.
If you have issues choosing colour which goes well together, you can google some colour combinations and relations and stick with one you like.
I attached an example of what I meant (Keywords: color combination spooky).
You can pick colour with the picker tool and use it in your drawing.
Best wishes, Andre
Here are some of my experiments with shapes. Really enjoyed this process a lot. I tried to do a cell shaded version of one of the characters which was an interesting process.
Here are some sketches of facial expressions designed with reference from bodiesinmotion. This is basically where I am at in a 5 or so minute sketch now after a lot of practice with using shapes, straights, and curves. I've been limiting my time on each sketch to get as much practice of different expressions as possible, so they are generally a bit rough but I'm improving quite quickly, I think. I'm still having trouble with retaining volume once the shape deviates too far from the human figure. Not sure if anyone is doing this course anymore but I'm going to keep posting in case. Thanks to anyone who takes the opportunity to have a look or offer some critique. Tara
I really like your exercise, and the drawings you did. To me these dont look that flat, but since you said that your having trouble with it, i would recommend that you draw through the form more. Or you first just draw a face (or something else) the way you did, and than try to draw crosscontourlines (imagine how a rubberband would wrap around the form and draw that.) Hope it helps.
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Here are some of my coffee shop sketches. Apologies for the chicken scratches, I did a lot of correcting as I tried to design the forms a bit and it got messy. I am having trouble getting away from the human form into other shapes while also keeping gesture and dimension. If anyone has any tips for that or critique, I'd be very grateful. Thankyou
Asked for help
Here are my 3 characters for the assignment. I had a lot of trouble with this. I started off with big shapes but the characters just sort of melded into regular human shapes again. Either way I learned a lot about using straights and curves against each other. Any critique would be really helpful if anyone is still looking at this page. Thanks