Let me show you how I add color and finishing touches to my monsters.

Here are my silhouettes and a work in progress of my lineup :) I made a kind of wacky tomato gang. I spent a long time colouring it in photoshop and none of my results really worked. I had a lot of trouble with the atmospheric perspective. I am also new to photoshop so it was just an overall slog and after a couple of days I had to call it. I learned a lot though and I am going to go through the whole course again with some different prompts in mind and hopefully come to a more definitive end point.
Really loved this course a lot and learned a huge amount.
Also feedback very welcome :)
Andre Camargo
Hi Tara, those are some great shapes.
If you have issues choosing colour which goes well together, you can google some colour combinations and relations and stick with one you like.
I attached an example of what I meant (Keywords: color combination spooky).
You can pick colour with the picker tool and use it in your drawing.
Best wishes, Andre
Andre Camargo
Oh boy, this took longer than I thought. I went down a completely different road for 2 tries and scrapped everything before trying something else.
Hide your money and your goats, here comes the infamous PUMPKIN BRIGADE!
I had loads of fun and learned a lot.
Thanks Scott.
Feedback is appreciated :)
Andrew Schlageter
so here are my finals. I had fun with this class, will definitely try it again some time.
I feel some of these look a bit too vector-ish but maybe that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Ireneusz Paszkiewicz
My final line-up of the Forest Constructs. Loved the course so much! Thanks
Andrew Schlageter
I like these a lot. successfully descriptive shadow shapes in your figures and great composition showing relationships. Your poses are also very interesting and really show who these guys are. I wish you tried some more atmospheric stuff with the background characters but over all, awesome work.
Andre Camargo
uuh wow. I really dig those. Cool combination of inks and colours.

Awesome, dude! :D

Samuel Lemons
Here is my final monster line-up with color.
Martin C
Sorry i don't understand, in the lesson Character Line-Up at the end of the video the final process it's done in traditional, but in this lesson at the begining the greyscale work it's done in digital, how I do this? there is no explanation it just happens. Thx
Wiktor Budzinski
I think they are in the wrong order. Watch Silhouettes and Shapecarving videos before this one.
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About instructor
Chief Creative Officer at Little Bang Inc.
I'm especially passionate about character design, creature design, and sculpting.