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Sarah Rivera
added comment inProject - First Steps to Mastering Gesture
Asked for help
I know I'm late for the critique video but wanted to post anyway. This was fun. The imagination poses were harder because I just had no idea what to make them do
Sarah Rivera
Was not expecting a motorcycle turned weird centaur man but it works!! I'll try to incorporate this in my studies. I like how you drew two different views at the same time to really reinforce what you were learning
Sarah Rivera
Asked for help
I made a shortie and an average person to see if it would still make sense. So height is all in the legs and the torso stays the same? How short do you have to be to start taking out from the torso (like when drawing dwarves/halflings)
Sarah Rivera
I really liked the bit about just cutting the line at the bottom to make it 7.5 heads tall. I've always been so confused making shorter people because I don't know how to divide the proportions! Do you just keep chopping off the legs? When do you adjust the torso proportions so it doesn't look odd and how can you do it so you end up with a 6 head figure rather than a tiny 8 head figure? Should I try it for the critique video or stick to more conventional proportions?
Also really loved the comparison to the horse! I also love drawing animals so it was super interesting! Would love more tidbits like that further in the course.
Sarah Rivera
I'm so excited for this course! I really liked the merging of the different archetypes. I also need those book recs for body language. Just the hand box mentioned blew my mind. I'm sure there's other secrets I'm missing out on.
Sarah Rivera
Asked for help
Had a lot of fun with this assignment! I just scrolled down and used reference photos that I liked.
This was such a cool talk! Thanks for introducing me to Phil cause his work is amazing and definitely some of what I want to do!! It's cool to see it all out there! I bought this course as soon as it came out but I've been too nervous to start it but these lectures are super fun and im excited to learn more!
Sarah Rivera
Super cool episode! Can't wait for the next one!
Your lighting examples were so pretty and clear! I have to go back to your lighting lesson so I can try them out.
Do you have any tips on recognizing the lens size from reference pictures?
Sarah Rivera
Where did you get this asaro head? It'd be neat to have a similar or smaller one (proko skull size) for reference
Sarah Rivera
You look like you're having so much fun doing studies! I need to work on that. This video was so helpful! I struggled with the assignment but got something down after much fighting. I didn't use my own studies as references because I thought it was cheating and just tried to do everything from memory. (I have a bad memory and can't see things in my head too well so it went about as well as you'd expect) I'm going to try again tomorrow with references that excite me and see where it goes from there.
My first attempt at drawing from the imagination. It didn't go too well. I didn't really know how to study the reference pictures and couldn't think of poses for the imaginary drawings. First image are my studies and the 2nd is from imagination.
My 2nd attempt after watching the demo is going much better. Still working on refining the final drawing so I'll post that separately.