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added comment inAssignment - The Secret of Simple Forms
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A big reason why I decided to join this course was to see other people's work and assignments and learn from each other! I would love to get some criticisim and advice on my work as well since I'm the only one in my family and friend groups who even thinks about drawing, it's difficult to get a sense of community out here. I tried to keep every sketch at less than two minutes which you may criticise as well if you feel like I should settle down a bit.
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I did about 50 of those but this page was the last bunch and the thing that I've started paying attention too by the end is preserving the proportions so it actually looks like the same object in different angles and not just boxes. I will keep practicing!
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Hey everyone! I'm new to this course and let's say I was taken aback by this assignment being an isometric illusion one! I thought it was a bit boring since I want to draw I perspective but oh boy as soon as I started to get into it I was humbled! It seems easy but it really wasn't, at least for me, I even took the 'impossible waterfall' as a reference and then started to think about how it would look with rectangular shapes instead of a platform and pillars, and ended up doing something else. I understand why Marshall would put this as an assignment because I really found myself thinking about the shapes in space and I can't really say I have it totally figured out but I want to move passed the for now.