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Julie B.
I’m not very confident about placing the landmarks and measuring between then. I feel like I am adding some of them haphazardly. Also, feeling limited due to not having a very deep grasp on specifics of anatomy. Any and all critiques are welcome and much appreciated so I can adjust ASAP! Thank you :)
Drawings are good but please try to add little bit more gesture to them they look a bit stiff to me Try to make the curve little bit more curvier
Try to loosen up a little I think your drawings are bit stiff
David Sánchez
Honestly, I think they are good representing the over all flow. But if you feel desatisfied about them, maybe you should take a step forward and start difining the body a little bit more. I don't know if you used a timer or not, but the drawings you are showing seems like the gesture you should expect for a 30 seconds drawing. I recomend study the proko demonstrations (the 2 minutes ones) and try to achive that, still prioritizing the gesture, but at the same time considering the general volumes of the body. This also might help you when drawing this simpler gestures. Hope this helps you.
Thanks a lot
added a new topic
Gesture critiques
Helping with your gesture drawings
So I’ve been drawing for the past two months with all the advice in consideration. Do you think there’s any improvement? Thank you!
In the past few days I have drawn hundreds of these in can't quite know what is wrong with them
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