Robert Polkinghorn
Robert Polkinghorn
British Columbia
I'm here to learn a great power to wield with reckless disregard.
Activity Feed
Robert Polkinghorn
First time using the quicksketch tool, 25 minutes felt surprisingly long! Charcoal/Graphite on newsprint. Something strange happened with the hands haahahaaaa
Alex Otis
really creative, love these!
I realy love your Interpretation and phantasy…the second one is an amazing Inspiration
Robert Polkinghorn
Robert Polkinghorn
Spongebob me boy!
Child Granny
that's the stuff right there
just saw this, great work you are on the path to do good things for this world
Robert Polkinghorn
My truck exploded spectacularly the other day, so my hillbilly ass has been housebound drawing inappropriate things. I've found that the key to remaining sane with these anatomy lessons is to occasionally break loose.
Robert Polkinghorn
added a new topic
Massive progress
I'm loosing my mind with the progress I've made with Stan's anatomy and figure drawing courses. I'm only at the shoulder portion but it's stark compared to when I was just winging things! I know there's some questionable anatomy and perspective going on here but fuck it! I'M PLEASED! The gladiatorium is today's work, what ever the hell the other stuff is is from March. That's my first "commissioned" art too hahahaa. "My girlfriend wants you to draw the dog" they said, well here you go! Hahahahaaa. Only reference I used was the photo of the hound.
Robert Polkinghorn
Shave your head, grow a mustash, eat edibles, draw.
Robert Polkinghorn
Some understanding of gesture and anatomy has made my artwork 150% more disturbing. Great success.
yooo haha! wtf
So much soul... love it!
these are so good...
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