Regina F
Regina F
Activity Feed
Regina F
Hello! The first two pages are homework I made after I got feedback from @Liandro. Thanks! Page 1 and 2 is made from imagination (no 3d model) . On page 1 I unconsciously drew the same head a couple of times, in different angles (1, 3, 4, 6, 7). On page 2 I struggled a lot with head 2, which is supposed to be a 3/4 seen from above. I couldn't get the foreshortening right in the jaw. I tried the same head again, nr 3 and 4, but still couldn't get it right. I practised again in 7 and 8, which is a bit better but still not good. 7 is supposed to be looking more down and 8 more up in comparison. Page 3 is made using the 3d model. Nr 12 is skewed the most, again the angle I found most difficult in page 1 and 2. Does anyone know what went wrong? Is it the placement of the center line? Also the perspective of the construction lines is something I need to think more about while drawing. I would appriciate feedback/ critiques a lot!
Regina F
Hello everyone, this is my exercise for this lesson. I had to take a step back from drawing the loomis head, because I wanted to get a feeling for how the head, a ball with both planes 'cut' off, moves and behaves in 3d space. This was more difficult than I imagined, but was a very useful lesson. This helps me to place the planes and the center line in the right position. The next picture is the loomis head drawn from different angles, with the help of the 3d model in the next lesson. I look forward to receive critiques, as I see plenty mistakes. I hope you can help me find the mistakes I haven't seen yet 🙂 *Please excuse my English, it's not my first language
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