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added comment inProko Challenge My Life Movie Poster - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
I am in love with the classic painted Hollywood movie poster aesthetic, especially horror ones. It's amazing how busy, bright and colourful they were compared to their modern counterparts! So, I've decided to take every artist's nightmare and the story of my life essentially, and turn it into a classic scary flick. Enjoy! I'm sure you all can relate ;P
Painted digitally from scratch.
Hopefully this poster is self-explanatory.
This project was a huge stretch for me since I'm not very good at drawing from imagination, or drawing in general. I knew octopus tentacles are going to be very challenging, and I learned so much from the process!
This was a big challenge for my skill level after getting back into drawing this year. The smaller pieces i feel could be really improved but on the whole, I'm proud of it
Asked for help
Working on this design as I've been a DM for 8 year. Just curious if the composition is a strong as possible before taking it further.