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Asked for help
I will be happy for feedback
Hey there! :) You have good simplification and accurate proportions, as well as clear and definitive value groups marked out. I think the thing that would help take it to the next level would be the rendering--try out a smoother gradation that fills in tone evenly without gaps in between lines. Relying more on pressure and layering to achieve the full range of value can help give you more control over your shading, which will be a very important skill down the line.
Nice job! You have a good idea of simplifying the contours down to simple CSI lines. Now, you can try training your hand for a more fluid and confident line. You can do warmups as you'll see in this lesson and you can also try ghosting the lines (going just barely over the paper with your pencil repeatedly) before committing to the final line to train your shoulder for the motion. Also, keep an eye out for the more overarching/"big idea" curves and lines, like in the boots. You'll see in the reference they have a curvature going outwards, whereas they appear more straight up and down in your drawing. This is something you can note in your lay-in lightly that will help you become more accurate.
Hi! Good job staying consistent with your value grouping--you have created defined shapes that are proportional to the reference and have a clear value throughout.
Something to note is that the 2nd value (counting darkest to lightest) seems closer in value to the 3rd than the 1st, so darkening this area would help.
Another that can help your progress is going for more even hatching, trying to minimize the space in between the hatch lines and lessening the dark outlines containing the shapes. This lets you gain better control of your edges and rendering, which will be very handy later on.
Lastly, continue thinking of the core shadow (the darkest shadow on the pear itself) area as still another plane/shape on the pear and less of an outline. While it does separate light and shadow and appears thin, it still indicates an area of surface on the object and has its own shape. It can help to further capture its curvature in the bottom half of the pear, and this will add to the illusion of 3D form.
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions :)
Asked for help
I would be very happy to receive feedback ( this was done before watching the demo)
Loooose lines 🙂
Canyon Braff
Asked for help
This was my first Proko project! I have never drawn anything with strictly straight lines and hard edges, it was really fun and made me think of the subject in a totally different way.. anyways ~ if anyone happens to see this post it would mean so much to receive some critique! Also, I would love to create some community and keep an eye on each others work, too!
(this was done before watching Stan's demo)