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added comment inProject - Measure Proportions
I used the blue plum line for measure. My lines are messy because I kept erasing and redrawing. The blotch at lower left corner was eating berries.
Master Study... unknown artist (Left image) which I downloaded from google. I wanted to imitate his/her pencil stroke. I used 2B pencil.
Master Studies (Leonardo Da Vinci) -- practice on line confidence and consistency.
After gazing at my own drawing awhile, I noticed that I haven't really understood the varying weight of the lines to indicate darker shadows areas. I just drew across without emphasizing dark side of the shade-- not creating the 3D volume.
Temoki San
Asked for help
Hello, here is my first try. Please, I would be appreciated for any advice or critique!
I think I unconsciously drew the fingers shorter when I ran out of space below. And the thumb looks weird...a little careless.