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Brandon Miele
added comment inCube Apple + Assignment

Your last apple is magnificent! The one with the leaf
Myles Goethe
Asked for help
A little progression mixed with some regression. But it certainly a good challenge XD
Just finished a second time practising mannequinization - far from great but I feel like it is getting easier. I would love some feedback!
So, good try. Sometimes your mind may try to think about the pieces too much, when you start drawing the mannequin. That is normal. The thing you've got to do is remember what you did with the bean, robo-bean, and gesture. Gesture should ALWAYS come first. Think about the force series. Don't give up. This journey should be enjoyable and may, if it is anything like mine, be a long one. I will, about every six months or so, revisit beans, robo-beans, and gesture, even though I've been doing this for ten years or so.