Michael Mana
Hi! I'm MichaelMana! I'm an aspiring artist that loves fantasy media!
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Michael Mana
added comment inProject - Measure Proportions
Asked for help
its clear I have a lot of work to do. I'll keep at it, any feedback would be appreciated!
Michael Mana
This looks really cool, and before I say anything I want to mention I'm far earlier into the Drawing Basics course then you are, so my opinion may be less valuable. I really like the line weight for most of the drawing, and how the brush obviously has hierarchy over everything else, but to me the sheer difference in heaviness between the brush and the foot make them look disconnected. So I would try to add some sort of flow and ease into the heaviness in the brush's line weight. Of course line weight is subjective so if you think it looks better that way then that's also fine!
I read your comment 2 days ago already, and keep thinking about it. The line weight of the brush could do it in a more subtle way. It might be my tendency to be so straight forward for line weight, idk. I will try to figure something out. Thanks a lot. Let s learn together in the basic course.
Michael Mana
Asked for help
This project was great! I really loved experimenting with the shapes, I came up with a lot of designs (some of them good, some of them bad) would love feedback! I decided to color the designs I liked most as well!
Michael Mana
Asked for help
I decided to do a master study on Oleg Yurkov, I made 2 mermaids out of his sketchbook then made my own original drawing trying to replicate the line style, I also colored one of them to see if that made a difference.
Michael Mana
Asked for help
I did the project on a red panda! I decided to go with a sleeping pose as they are absolutely adorable when sleeping. I also brought it into digital and turned it into a fully rendered piece, any critique's would be great!
Michael Mana
Asked for help
I did the 3 sketches before the demo, then did 3 after the demo. I think I improved a lot! If anyone has any critiques on the 3 after the demo, please let me know!
Michael Mana
I did the Skeleton and the Camel before watching this demo, and noticed I went a little to heavy on detail with them (mainly the skull) Afterwards I did one for a fox, and a dog. The dog isn't digital so I chose a far simpler image as I'm still very new to drawing physically. If anyone has feedback let me know!
Michael Mana
This is my first attempt before critique video or demo, then the second one is the one I made after (its a lot better)
Michael Mana
Asked for help
The three pears are the ones I made before watching the video, the second one is the one I made after. Note the sheer difference between them is probably because in the second one I am using different colored brushes to match the different colors of pencil, the first one is purely based on opacity. If there is anything I can improve upon let me know!