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Asked for help
These are looking good, merlini!
Struggled with how to connect the neck to the cranium...
This is really hard...Not sure how to connect these boxes.
Shared kitchen in the uni hall I used to live. I wonder how this place looks now after these years. I know I should not draw circles but still added them to indicate the hob.
Asked for help
This one took me more than ten days as I don't have much time drawing... But anyway I managed to finish it before 2024. I must say this is hard, so I'm glad I made it.
I really enjoy this assignment :)
Jakub Pruszyński
nice work man, simple yet expressive
This is really challenging...
LV1 drawings before watching the demo. This is much harder than it looks.
I know there's no way I could draw like Charles Gibson, but I really admire how he organized the 'flow' of the lady's hair. You can almost feel the thickness and softness of it. 
Wow, I really enjoy looking at what you've done. I feel like your work embodies the qualities you say you appreciate - flow, thickness, softness. Hats off to you on that!
Martha Muniz
Nicely done--definitely good practice for thick to thin line weight!
I re did the light and shadow assginment. I drew the first one while watching demo and the second one afterwards. The concept is a bit hard for me so I think I need more practice.
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