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added comment inLower Back Assignment Example 1
Stan, I love your clean lines and how you say more with less lines. I tend to get a little carried away looking for the right line.

Madison Bojie
You have a Mike Mattesi look
I feel like I'm doing a better job at thinking through the anatomy as I draw. Observation alone can be deceptive.
Madison Bojie
I like your images, especially the last one's technical skills. Focus on the story of your art more- giving the audience more clues to what's going on= The 5 w's + H. The first pic is lacking composition. There's no clear for, mid, background which makes the characters fight for attention, making it hard to focus. The 2nd one I know is more of just a scene, but what kind of hallway is this? What emotion are we supposed to feel, is this the house of a good or bad guy, are the question you should think of. The third picture is interesting because it's an optical illusion. but again story- why is he grabbing his head, who is looking at him- his significance? The 4th is nice technical skills but make sure to get a clearer picture next time. I feel it's on an angle.
Overall nice work. Though were drawing pictures we artists tell a story by little sprinkles in the composition- individual elements tieing the piece together. You already do this but make sure you're picking the right elements to add and subtract.
Good job.
Asked for help
Some upper back sketches, please give me some feed back please : )
I like the dynamic forms! Just make sure to get those simple 3d shapes before rendering detail.