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Hello, I really enjoyed this project, I did a bunch of other hands, and here's three I would some feedback about if possible. They are all level 1 post critique video. For the 1st drawing, I feel like the palms are pointing at the top though I hatched the top part of the upper hand, I don't know if it's just because we are only using boxes. also it's proportion is a little too big. I did this drawing in 40 minutes. The 2nd drawing is the one I'm more confident about, the reference was clear and really expressive. It took me 10 minutes. The 3rd was the hardest, the angle of the palms and fingers were really hard to grasp at first sight but in the end I'm happy with the outcome. This one took me 2 hours. Also on the 3rd drawing I don't know if the index fingers are right, technically the farther it goes away from us the smaller it appear, but it doesn't feel right to me. Maybe the converging or the angles of the boxes are wrong. I would love to receive any feedback to improve my drawing skills and especially my understanding of 3 points perspective !
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I used a HB woodless pencil for both drawings. I didn't watched the demo or critic videos before doing the exercise. I'm really happy with the result, since Im was off of drawing from past 5 months, I thought it would has been harder. The points where I could improve are : 1. Avoid perfectionism since I redo a lot of lines for cleaness; 2. I used construction lines near the end of my drawings everytime I spotted big differences with the references, I should start by that first; 3. Take more time to watch and process the whole reference before putting the pencil down to avoid tunnel vision.
Samantha Maggard
I bought the red pencil you suggested that Disney animators use. I really enjoy using them.
Awesome ! By the way, could you please give me the reference of this pencil ? I don't find the suggestion.
Asked for help
Here's the snail drawing of my friend Alex.
Asked for help
I didn't had the time to do captain skull, at least here is my drawing of the camel.
Wow love how you did this! Really good!
I posted my drawing in the comments section. I was so sad when Proko said he was going to scroll throught the assignments section. But it was useful anyway x)
Hoping it's not too late to be in the critics video. the other fruit is from my friend Alex (apple and pear2)
Hey, @Stan Prokopenko ! When will be a critics video about our drawing ? Is it scheduled ?
John B
The plan is for Stan to review/record submitted assignments on Thursday/Friday. Then our production team will edit the footage.
Here is my pear ! Critics are welcome ^^
Patrick Alexander Büchi
Hello Mike, nice job on the pear! My only criticism would be that the skin colour of the pear isn't as clearly visible as the other two shadows. And with the skin colour being so light the highlight kinda remains unseen. Maybe you could try adding a little more value to it so that it's more clear. Looking forward to seeing your future work!
I did my best to simply it as much as I could and It gave me mad anxiety but I pulled through xD. Please critiques are more than welcome, I am here to learn so be mean. Edit: I forgot that shadow and I am sad but I have done tones of those and will be sure to do it next time ;-;
In itself, its not a bad thing i guess but the brush is too different between the "Light Form Shadow" and the rest of the pear. Make it uniform so that it looks harmonious. Plus, your "Reflected Ligth" and "Core Shadow" have the same value. Make the "Reflected Light" lighter. Apart form that, it is a good pear in general, i like the shape and you well captured the top one.
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