lime srating
Hello, my name is Finley, and I'm an American.
Activity Feed
Matija Vuk
added comment inWhere does my art fit?
illustrative work :)
Steve Lenze
Okay Elias, I'm going to start with what's good:
The background is awesome, it really provides some nice mood. It also really retreats back away from the subject. The soft edge of the mountains is a nice touch.
The pose feels really natural and confident.
The wolf looks cool and is sitting in space very convincingly.
Okay, now I'm going to hammer you :)
The skin is getting lost in the sky.
All of your lines are converging on her crotch, causing me to look there instead of her face.
The wolfs nose is tangent with her leg.
The colors around her face (focal point) should be more saturated to draw attention there.
Over all, nice work. Just make sure you are paying attention to composition and where to lead the eye. Keep it up :)
You nailed it. Period. Whatever you did, do it again. Post it and see if you nail it again.
Hey Elias,
The one thing I noticed is that the two boys are not intergraded into the scene because you are having the light abruptly stop, and they are not being effected by it. The same goes for the trees and bushes in the foreground.
By adding some rim light, it would help make everything look like it's in the same scene and will separate the boys from the background a little better. I did a very crude sketch to show you what I mean, I hope this helps :)