Leman Nade
Art student looking forward to improving my art and become a professional one day.
I love creature design,sci-fi robot,fantasy stuff
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Leman Nade
added comment inProko Challenge Reference Bash - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Hi! I speed run this before the deadline This challenge is super fun to do His name is Lucas a colosseum fighter mech I didn't use some ref directly just pull some shapes and material from it
Beautiful design!
Chris Schmidt
wow i especially like the design of the torso/cockpit
Jan D.
Hi Leman!
The skin colours/rendering looks good to me!
What would help with the realism I'd say would be to focus a little on the structure/anatomy and the values that describe it. The head looks small and some other minor things stand out to me like the shape of the nose, flat right shoulder or her left arm that seems a little twisted. Also describing the clothing and the hair might bring it together a little more:)
When you are drawing from reference (or otherwise really) try to focus on the 3 dimensional shapes not just the outlines, would be my suggestion. Did a little paint-over just quickly fixing some of the things that stuck out.
Hope that helps a little:)
Hey, Jan! Thankyou so much for taking your time to do this crit. The paint over is really helpful! I'll make sure I pay more attention to what you've said and apply it to my paintings. I'm so grateful for your help Have a nice day :D
I'm currently working on my rendering skill so I'm looking for some critics. What are your thoughts on my rendering? It's not that detail but I try to capture the look of the skin as much as I can Just notice that I distort the proportion to be longer anyway thanks!
Credit: Rachel Bradley on Artstation