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added comment inProject - Organizing Line Weight
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I did the first two & then in a very lazy manner I quickly did the one with imagining a different lighting. If you look at it from further away it looks fine 😆

They all look amazing but something about the first one really catches my eye!
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I tried to set a time limit for myself with this one. 10min, the penguin was way below that, the comic character was I think at least twice as long because of all the details.
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I chose an ermin for this exercise. The first sketches (in purple) I did copy the references, because I wanted to get a feeling for how to draw an ermin first. The second sketches (in blue) I drifted a bit into character design. For the final sketch, the first one I did was way messy, a lot of ‘searching lines’ & maybe hiding my mistakes like he said in the video. I cleaned it up in the 2nd attempt, but it was missing the features from my character design so i changed it a bit in the 3rd attempt.
Sorry I'm a bit late, I only just started. My first attempt was really quite bad, I didn't really understand the exercise right, plus I accidentally used more than five values 🙈 . 2nd one is after watching the video & it already turned out much better I think. Third one is of a different photo, and I already felt more comfortable with the exercise, plus I think this photo works really well for this exercise with its clear separation of light & shadow. 🌓