Activity Feed
Maria Bygrove
Those look really good!
I found those poses very challenging to draw. Any feedback is welcomed! :)
I'm a bit confused about the goal of this approach. I get why we do the gesture and landmarks, but I don't see the use of drawing the boxes. Aren't loosing the work underneath it? Can't we just start drawing anatomy on once we've done the connections and landmarks?
Michael Hampton
Sure! Just as long as that's enough of an explanation of planes and perspective to place anatomy correctly. But yes, feel free to customize the process how you like.
I did another one in about 20 minutes so the information would stick more in my mind. I had a blast doing it!
I tried to go for a "cute but angry" kinda look on this one. The first two are studies and the last one with the big head is from imagination
My first drawings using the 4 step method. Any critique is welcomed :)
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