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Jamie C.
added comment inCritique - Simple Animal Portraits
Perhaps not a popular opinion, but here goes: Having struggled with how to approach this assignment at the start, does anyone else find it super frustrating that Stan gets wrapped in analyzing submissions from folks who are way, way beyond the beginner level? This isn't the first time, but it feels like he's getting distracted by "ooh this is nice" and not focusing on the actual lesson at hand. This was billed as a basic fundamentals course for beginners, but there are obviously a lot of samples here that are from artists that are very experienced, if not already professional. Maybe they're just showing off or maybe they're chasing Likes, but it makes what was supposed to feel like an entry level course - and the community attached to it - much more advanced and really exclusive than it arguably should. I could care less if my own submissions are critiqued, but it leaves at least me with a "Why Bother" feeling when we're examining stuff from concept artists and other obviously experienced artists in what's supposed to be fundamentals class. For me, a relative absolute beginner, it would be much more helpful to learn things from people making the same mistakes common at my level. Perhaps I misunderstood the course intent or maybe I'm not the intended audience. If I could offer a critique, it would be more productive to dedicate more time at the start of each project assignment for a clearer statement of what the assignment is - or more importantly *isn't* - and perhaps some more examples, and then to more selectively chose examples that highlight those specific goals. Just my two cents; thanks.
June Sigler
I really appreciate you saying this. I’m getting more and more behind because I’ve actually started saying “why bother” when I watch the critiques. It did help to see you voice this :)
Johannes Schiehsl
This is what I like about drawing digitally. I can make my "tought vomiting lines" (love that term) or make some rough layout lines with a broad brush and than put that in the back with low opacity (like putting a piece of paper over it on a lighttable) and go over it with cleaner, now more confident lines. Does that make sense?
Hi all, I'm really excited about this. I hope I'm not the only "oldie" here. I'm 50yo, working as a nurse, have been drawing a lot in my teens and then stopped completely. I started again about 6 years ago but never had any training like this. However intuition only takes you so far, so I have been looking for a way to learn basic skills for some time. And here it is!
I really hope I can keep up with the lessons as they come along ...
Wow I felt like I was an anomaly and here you all are! Wanted be be a professional artist in high school, life happened, babies were born, motherhood became a full time job. Never lost that “pull” to pick up a pencil and draw but was alway so dissatisfied with what I put on the paper. Years went by. Now my kids have kids and I still want to do this.