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Level 1 Snail. Attempt #1 (before watching demo)
Great sketchbook page! Making full use of the mushroom exercise I see.
Level 1 Snail attempt #1. Tried to get too fancy with the ridges on the shell...then i gave up on that which I think was a good idea.
👋After watching critique(s) & refining approach.
Looks great to me. Your values look really consistent. I'm stills struggling with that.
Level 1 pear. Here goes...
Melanie Scearce
Nice job! Your edges are super clean. The mid tone shape creates a straight line up and down the length of the pear and I think it subtracts from the nice volume you found with the darker tone shapes. I think if you broke up that straight line with a few shapes that follow the form of the pear it would help with that visual block. Hope this helps :)
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