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Damian Rokosz
added comment inProko Challenge Reference Bash - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Submission and used images:))
Jarod Teague
cryptic! looks like some elder being 10/10
Hey guys! First time posting here, but I'm a long-time follower. Here is my final submission. I made a digital sculpture in Zbrush, as this is the medium I feel most comfortable with, and after the seeing the reference images, I really wanted to tell a story of who could have been wearing that suit of armour, and what their purpose could be. After seeing the trumpet, I knew what this character's purpose was :) I also included a Zbrush screenshot, and my reference. Thanks very much!
So long as you don't get docced for making a sculpt, I'd say we have a winner; at least in my book.
Hello friends. My name is John and I'm an electrical engineer from Australia. I've been learning art with Proko's videos for around two years now. I'm 28 now, but one day I hope to quit my day job and do art as a full-time career. I'm glad I found this place because no one else in my life loves art like I do :D
electrical engineering you say? I totally understand why you want to stop. Electricity and Magnetism made me want to commit Sudoku as well. If you somehow managed to suffer through THAT and made a career out of it, you'll be more than capable of suffering through art.
I'm lowkey expecting to get absolutly bodied and slammed but oh well here's mine
The self restraint it took not to frantically draw a lemur duel wielding tec-9s.... maybe I should have just gone with my impulse.
Whew! this one was a doozy! but I have finished my "sketch", and a Sketch this is! Without a doubt, it's the best thing I have drawn so far, months of studies and constant YouTube tutorials (nothing but Proko of course!) have led up to this moment.
I went out of my way to use as many of the references as I could, while keeping to a single theme. and although there is probably much more that I could have done, I'm spent. And I feel that I'm ready to submit.
Best of luck to everyone else, and I look forward to hearing from both you and Peter. Thankyou all so much for everything you do for us!
P.S. there is a ton of detail crammed into this thing, you may have to download it to view it all! just as an fyi.