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added comment inProko Challenge Reference Bash - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
TekaTaka the Urchin King.

Ever since he has bonded with the silent sea urchin, TekaTaka he has worn their golden ancestor as his crown and taken up the mantel of becoming the urchin king. After taking up this mantel he has been given the ancient trident "Koi Kenai", roughing meaning "Leviathan's Molar" in the urchin's long lost language, as his weapon to rule over and protect the sea urchin. When the Koi Kenai is thrown, it is said that it cuts through the ocean so fast that it can split the sea and hit with the impact of 7 torpedos. Now TekaTaka lives to protect and preserve urchin-kind.
I've quickly created an sci-fi underwater environment painting with the help of the photo bashing technique. Fast and rougher than my usual paintings. But bext time I really have to use a higher resolution ^^. Also, this is the first time I ever painted an underwater enviroment (could contain major flaws ^^).
I used the transform tools to manipulate the three reference images to my will and let my mind roam free around the canvas. This was a very fun challenge because I could try out so many things. The round sci-fi artifact in the middle happened to be a happy accident will transforming the mushrooms (corals).
I only chose 3 references because I wanted to see how much different things I can get out of only a few images. Also I did this, to break the habit of wasting to much time finding a huge amount of references before I even start drawing. I hope this helped.
Process video:
A post apocalyptic survivor finds her self surrounded in the jungle. With her motor-steed, roman armor and machine pistol, she is ready for combat.
I had fun drawing this! Thank you to Peter Han and the Proko team for this opportunity! Cheers!
Creativity is Intelligence having fun….-A.Einstein #prokochallenge
Whew! this one was a doozy! but I have finished my "sketch", and a Sketch this is! Without a doubt, it's the best thing I have drawn so far, months of studies and constant YouTube tutorials (nothing but Proko of course!) have led up to this moment.
I went out of my way to use as many of the references as I could, while keeping to a single theme. and although there is probably much more that I could have done, I'm spent. And I feel that I'm ready to submit.
Best of luck to everyone else, and I look forward to hearing from both you and Peter. Thankyou all so much for everything you do for us!
P.S. there is a ton of detail crammed into this thing, you may have to download it to view it all! just as an fyi.
An ancient fractured warrior rises with the help of some gelatinous friends.
This was a fun challenge!
A knight of the Jewel Scarab army, rushing into battle.
First time here, hope you like it :)
Hey everyone, here’s my entry.
When I saw the horse head musicians, the tec 9, and the insects I knew I had to draw a Mad Max meets Starship troopers, but here the bug is the mascot like dogmeat in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. :D
Hi everyone! This is my entry for this challenge.
Bugs and small insects mastered theirs tech skills and they started to fight against theirs natural predators.
Helloo, this is my first post here! I had a lot of fun making this one, hope you can understand the little story! Thank you for the opportunity!