Activity Feed
WANTED: Critiques! Self-Critique: _ Lines could be sharper _ Shading could be more even _ More consistent "steps" between different shades _ Right half of face needs to be darker
Thanks for the feedback Gannon, totally agree!
This is my attempt, I feel like I missed something but I can't figure out what.
I think you might be missing cleaner distinctions between your shades and more consistent value amongst each shade. Your exterior lines and structure are great!
First and second attempt at the pear exercise
Incredible improvement between your first and second attempts!
I quit drawing after 6 months. Now I am back on track. I used the background value to create more contrast. Be as harsh as possible with your critique. Does anyone know how to get a clean tone out with your pencil. I shade and sometimes the end of the stroke is darker than the start of it but to me the pressure feels identical
Awesome that you're picking drawing back up! FWIW, I think your shading is pretty good. Eve n when I'm shading with the exact same pressure at all times, I noticed that the value will change as the tip of my pencil dulls and broadens. Regular sharperning helps improve this. Also, you could try "pinching" your pencil with your thumb and index finger (your other fingers would be perpendicular to the pencil) and laying down value with the broad side of the pencil's graphite and your arm (as opposed to your fingers and wrist).
First pic was my first attempt at the pear when I rushed it pretty hard, second pic is my more recent attempt after watching the entire critique video, and I also tried the portrait. critiques would be very appreciated.
Good on you for attempting Level 1 and Level 2! I think that your shading could be better: more even, and greater distinction between shades.
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