Joel Wilson
Joel Wilson
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Joel Wilson
Zero here again. I felt that the boots were more difficult than the snail. I used an HB pencil for this one and drew it sideways like the snail, for convenience. It looks like there is a warped perspective in my drawing but after quite a bit of erasing and redrawing I decided to just push through it and get done. After getting the top/right boot done, the second boot forced me attempt to make sure they were on the same plane, then I realized the first boot was screwed up. I should have flipped the page to check more often. Anyway, had fun trying and every time i tried to draw a shoestring grommet, I was reminded of the mushroom warmup exercise. ovals are hard, ellipse even moreso.
Joel Wilson
Here is my snail. I am a zero skill. I drew is sideways for convenience, and used a General 2H pencil. I found it extremely difficult to not loose focus on the project objectives; I was reduced to simply copying what I saw instead of using the line shapes to construct. I also found it virtually impossible to draw a straight line. My hand either wanted to arc the line or veer off, in one direction or the other, despite my effort to focus on a point of destination.
Joel Wilson
Made the attempt before watching the demo. Then a second attempt. I sort of get it. Making my hand do it is another story. I seem to have a subconscious issue with my evil dead hand; it loves making errant markings when near a boarder.
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