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doodle dropjust dropping my sketches here when I do gesture drawings, or sketches. It will get updated with new images as I doodle more in the future. Normally taken with a phone, please forgive the blurriness as sometimes my hands do shake. You're welcome to leave comments/ critiques.
This set was drawn for 2 minutes each pose from the sketch daily site. I've been switching from different grips with my mech pencil or using my ink pens. I usually use gesture drawing as a form of warm up for me, until I lose focus. Sometimes I miss out a detail or two due to the short length of time, sometimes its just too 'scribbly' to decipher, but overall once I've warmed up, they look pretty cool. I think my scribbles need some improvement of sorta getting the whole gesture in the paper and not overextend past the page.
Torin Scholes
Asked for help
Hello, I did some 60 second gestures today. I found it difficult to capture the entire figure in 60 seconds. Would love any feedback.
for 60-second gestures, you've done quite well to capture the movement of these bodies. They are looking cool to me. I think you just keep at it as an exercise.
Hi I go by Rainbow Ichi / Ichidoodles010101
Let's see, I consider myself in between of hobbyist with a little bit on freelancing on the side now and then. I draw/doodle more for fun. I used to do a lot of digital art years back, but long story short a good friend of mine encouraged me to give watercolors another try ( watercolor had a bit of a uh...bad experience when I was younger ) and you know what? I enjoyed it. I've been playing with watercolor for more than 6 years now, and I love how gratifying it feels to finish a piece. So most of my recent works are in watercolor, and I still continue my journey in having fun with them.
As to why I'm here, well I like...lurking and checking out art videos..for future studies when I have the free time. Nice to meet everyone ^_^ I lean towards anime-style stuff, my recent obsession are corgi and shiba dogs because of my plush animals - they are one of my sources of inspiration.
Adorable work! I especially like the composition of the second piece -- nicely done!
Oh My God, your dogs are so cute!!! :3
I really like your watercolour and pastel style, very fresh!
I agree with what Serena Marenco said.
I also think you might be in that part of your improvement graph where your taste/ likes/ influences is higher than your current skill - which might be one of the causes to your stress/dissatisfaction ( which is a good thing, you know somethings up, you can tell there something can be done to make it better, your brain is identifying it).
I just recommend to keep at it, keep on drawing and observing anatomy, review it for a few minutes, reflect on what could have been done better, put down that drawing and move on to the next one. It was one of the most difficult things for me to realize years later that not all your artworks need to be 'precious'. Build up on your smaller successes, not just the big complete illustration ones. Just put in some mileage, keep on drawing, but at a pace you're comfortable doing ( don't burn yourself out, breaks are there for a reason, we're not saying you can't draw anything else, when you're tired, draw something you like - it can be a nice change in pace now and then ).