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added comment inProject - Measure Proportions
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Done before watching demo need to go back and attempt again after demo/critique videos
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Level one struggled early on attempting to make drawings more fleshed out as opposed to sticking with simple shapes and limiting the number. Unfortunately I lost most of the reference photos for my animals so it will be hard to compare. I need to change my current set up for drawing bc it’s making it harder for me to control line weight which is evident in a lot of these drawings
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First attempt at the project definitely need to work on my tapered line confidence since Jeff smith really utilizes this technique (a classic comic staple since Carl barks at least) and in general it’s a good thing to have mastery over lol. Included some of my own critique on the works early on where I tried to both focus on areas I did well but mainly on where it needs to improve
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So definitely a level 1 here attempting a level 2 bc I love cartoons and comics (a big part of why I took this course and signed up for the marvel course here as well) and while I’m happy with the results I was able to produce, watching the “cramps” video definitely made me feel like I was “over challenging” myself to something I wasn’t up to experience/skill wise but still it got me very excited to draw and had me spending every little bit of free time to do more work or sketches which was a win.
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Done before the demo/critique video need to go back and do another pass at each one but wanted to get these turned in to prevent stalling consistent work put in on drawing. While I plan to go back and use what I know I can improve, for whatever reason I kept stalling out on the take 2 so rather than let it derail time spent drawing or working on class I figured submit it and I can always submit again later once I have less of a block for whatever reason
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All were done using the pear jpeg 1 provided, the first three were done before watching demo and the second three were done after demo with the second attempt post demo having the most time spent on shading. Still have issues with proper differentiation on all values and with clean shading that will come from repeated attempts at this project in future as I build up visual and physical experience.