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added comment inErik and Meadow Gist AMA - Illustration & Fine Art
Hi, i am currently recreating Art School at home inspired by the Draftsmen podcast and bought a couple of books to get started. Now I just wanted to ask what the most effective way to study from books is ? I am curently reading the book Drawing the head & hands by Andrew Loomis but i feel like im not studying it properly by just copying the drawings and reading the text.
Hi. What must be included in a good current illustratoon portfolio? And what pitching advice can you give a beginer freelancer
Hi.What are studios looking for in new illustratoon portfolios.
Hi hernes. I have trouble mastering brush strokes and blending especially in oils. What should I do.
Hi. I was wondering if there is any internet platform you could recommend which directors often look for hiring new people or see their portfolios.
Nice approach. I like the way you showed structure and perspective to the hand especially the knuckles and fingers fat pads while avoiding symetry. However in my opinion you forgot that tedons on doso side of the palmar fat pads at the bottom of the fingers start right in the middle of the first metacarpals which should have been used to show tension from index finger. Also they can not allow the finger to split that much.
How can I simply and use as few values as possible and how do i determine the values shapes