Guillaume JORANDON
Guillaume JORANDON
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Guillaume JORANDON
Ok so, I worked on a sketch from Charles Ouvrard, a French artist I follow on instagram because they worked with Fortiche on Arcane. First image is the artist’s original sketch (post: ) Second one is the rough sketch I did to outline the main shapes (I like to do it with a white brush because it makes me don’t focus that much on details, and more on the big picture, but I inversed it here for readability). Third one is my final study. it was a truly amazing exercise, when you zoom in on a skilled artist’s work, you really get to see how intentional and fluid each of their lines are. In contrast, mine are more sloppy, less confident. i am gonna follow up with more studies from other artists, but yeah, i really liked this project,
Guillaume JORANDON
Ok I really enjoyed this exercise. I really like the thick outline, something I was already kinda intuitively doing (albeit poorly) when trying to ink a drawing. I tried to put some emphasis on the features of its face, in particular the eye and horns. I’ll try to do the shadows and light direction method next.
Guillaume JORANDON
Update I tried the shadow and light method, but on a small personal doodle. I ended up almost doing a sort of sharp shadow outline with very thick lines, and it inspired me to give it a « « « pop art » » » finish
Guillaume JORANDON
I decided on a crow, because crows are awesome. I did the final assignment (the last two pictures) on Procreate but did some sketches on paper as well. I tried going for an « animal looking » crow, then one with more anthropomorphic proportions. I am not happy with the end results though, I think my lines are still very insecure and lack a lot of dynamism. I am still too focused on small scale details I think. But it was a very interesting learning experience, I cannot wait to work on the next projects!
Melanie Scearce
Really wonderful studies and exploration. You're very accurate in your analysis. I see where you're coming from on the small details comment -- focusing small too quickly can make a drawing feel stiff. I see you have some structural layins underneath these, so maybe try a few more sketches and focus more on the guesture, or the line of action. Think about where the energy is moving through the pose. This is a topic that comes up later in this series of lessons, so don't sweat it too much. These are really creative ideas.
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