Carl Cotton
Carson City, NV
I am an old man (74) that likes to draw and wants to get better.
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Carl Cotton
Do you think I did okay on this. I know it doesn't look professional.
I know They are not any good, but this was the first lesson where I was almost able to keep up with Stan. I feel I will be going through all the lessons over and over. It really feels like I am learning
Thanks all.
Hi Carl. Perhaps you could check out Stan's video on how to hold and control your pencil? I found the overhand grip is very helpful to make more relaxed and fluid strokes.
Hi Carl,
This is a good concerted effort and you show an understanding of the concept that Stan teaches. Technique is what needs to get addressed. Recall that he added an emphasis on using CSI during the gesture lessons. A lot of your lines are fragmented and scratchy. With that said, you need to focus on producing single strokes using C, S, or I shapes before you start creating gesture sketches and the bean. Remember to relax and inhale/exhale while letting your sketching instrument flow on the paper.
You shouldn't be adding a lot of pressure to your pencil when sketching, that just signals tension and can create an excessive amount of friction/roughness. Be smooth and slow, the speed will come with practice. Good luck and happy practicing!