Fran Turner
Fran Turner
Activity Feed
Fran Turner
This was not easy. I found it difficult to stay in the midtones and shadows range. I kept wanting to use white! This was painted quickly and roughly with acrylics on paper. I loved painting the woman in the doorway - such an interesting character.
Sterling Hundley
I love the brush quality in the painting @Fran Turner I did a quick digital painter to show what happens when you put a darker wash over the entire painting. Value are relative and this manipulation of how we see always amazes me. In a painting such as this, you can put down a darker wash over the entire painting (watered down acrylic), to push the overall values darker. Then you can reintroduce midtown, which will feel like "light". Note pure white in the bottom left of my paintover next to the midtown beside it. The midtown is what I used to paint the "white" of the boys costume.
Dax Hansen
When I think darker range, I think charcoal.
Fran Turner
Very nice work. You captured it well.
Fran Turner
I had good fun with this assignment. The image I find most compelling is the one with black figures on a white background. It’s also the least realistic. I tried to teach myself to do this with Procreate but the learning curve was too steep for the amount of time I had. So I resorted to old fashioned pencil and paint.
Sterling Hundley
The image with the white bg reminds me a bit of Egon Schiele's cityscapes. Regarding Procreate- the selection tools still don't make sense to me. Could be that I'm too used to Photoshop at this point, but it doesn't feel intuitive for me.
Fran Turner
Epiphany on day one! As I sketched my workspace, I realized that I have not prioritized my workspace for Art. I think I subconsciously felt that my Art wasn’t important enough in our household to deserve a whole room of its own. As a result, the space has accumulated unloved furniture and random household junk. So my redesigned space shows how I would like my room to be: free of clutter and with furniture that is designed and arranged to facilitate the artistic process.
Sterling Hundley
It's so hard to get rid of hand-me down furniture! I'm in the same boat and this exercise gave me a plan to get rid of a few random pieces I've accumulated and to purposefully buy flat files to replace them. Nice work- the space looks nice as you've reimagined it.
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