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added comment inProject - Organizing Line Weight
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And there we go :)
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There they are! Fun relaxing exercise! I feel like the hand especially is a bit weird, but didn't want to focus too much on proportions...
Henrique Costa-Biana
Asked for help
Hey y'all! I really enjoyed this exercise. It was my first time drawing with the intent to simplify a picture. It kinda reminded me of vectorization/image tracing. I'm not sure if I nailed the shadow as it looks a little bit shorter than it should be. Also I tried to add more value to the shiny area on the left but it looks like it has the same value as the two shiny spots on the right (these have the value of the paper itself). Anyway, I didn't want to keep on doing touch ups otherwise I'd be working on this drawing forever! Haha Thx
Asked for help
Hi guys, first attempt at both pics, with digital painting tools. I'd love some feedbacks, especially regarding values!
And thanks in advance!