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Ethan Lee
added comment inThe Perspective Course
It's here! I'm so excited. Thank you for the time and dedication you've put into this course. I'm certain that it's been worth the wait.
Ethan Lee
Asked for help
This is actually my second attempt. I scrapped the first one after realizing I'd done the whole angle of the head wrong. Open to any insight/critique.
I think I'm getting better at finding the big shapes (step one) but moving to step two I need to slow down and measure more carefully. Moving to step three I know just takes practice/repetition.
Question: Because of the angle/perspective, the eye shapes in the image look different to me. And the shapes I drew out look stretched out. If there's any tips on how to match those eye details better, I'd love to hear them.
Hi, it's very good that you tried a second time. I think you should try tracing vertical/horizontal lines (on the paper or in your mind) to better see the positions of elements in relation to each other. For example, if you trace a vertical line from his left corner of the mouth upwards, it's supposed to line up with the pupil of the eye. Yours is too far on the side. Making those kind of measurements can help readjust your proportions.
Ethan Lee
Asked for help
I did a couple small studies from Josh Hunter Black and then just the head of a David Malan piece. I had a lot more fun than I expected to. Will definitely be doing more master studies moving forward.
Ethan Lee
Asked for help
I'm feeling like I did this one wrong now that I'm looking back at the video. Guess we'll see for sure when I watch the demo.
I chose to do the snail. Couldn't decide whether or not to add contour lines on the shell. I tried them and it didn't look right, so I left them off in the end.
Ethan Lee
Asked for help
First attempt. Would love critiques. If there's anyone starting this class in 2024, I'd be open to joining a study group. 💪🎨
I just started the class this year as well too. I think this is a great first attempt. I think the proportions of the pear look a little off compared to the reference photo. The top of the pear is narrower than the bottom. As for the values, I'd say some of your values are a little too close together. It almost looks like you only have 3 values here instead of 5. I'd darken up your cast shadow, making it almost solid black. That will make it a lot easier to play with your other 4 values. The front plane of the pear around your highlights should be lighter than the shading on the side of the pear. They look a little too similar and because your highlights are really small, they're hard to see. But other than that, you did a really good job simplifying your shapes and keeping your edges straight. That's a challenge in and of itself.
I think you can fill out the shadow on the left of the pear :) I just started this course too!
Excellent lesson. I feel like this video alone justifies the whole course.