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maciek szczech
added comment inSketchbooks
Asked for help
#240605 Practice / study drawings. A4 size (Winsor&Newton, 60 lbs/130 gsm, smooth satine) sketchbook block. HB mechanical pencil. After ref. photographs found in Google. It's kind of combination of gesture and mannequisation. Sketching these I have not done exact, just approximate eye, measurements and overall feeling of both similar poses. Drawing paper has specific texture which influence how lines can be drawn, hence very small sketches are looking rather not good..
Tamir Bahar
Gave it another go.
I just bought some toned paper, so I wanted to try it out.
Controlling the values when the paper is not the brightest one is much harder!
I think I ended up getting my dark tones too dark, compared to the brightness of the highlights which is relatively muted.
Also decided to use 2 shadow values, where 3 might have been better for this as there's more information in he dark parts than in the light parts.
(The photo is from