Divyansh :)
Just a artist how is just trying to explore and express his inner creativity
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Divyansh :)
plz do some responses to my first sketches from proko. :)
Maria Bygrove
Asked for help
I might have gotten addicted to this exercise ;)
First drawing on the left was from memory, it's got notes about the mistakes I noticed. The second is corrected for the mistakes. The drawing on the second page is my attempt to construct it from a different angle. I struggled with this one a lot. Had to go back to the reference photo several times, reenact the pose, had my husband reenact the pose too ;)
If anyone feels like doing a draw-over on it, please do!
Alan Massey
Asked for help
Hey everyone. Had a lot of fun with this one. I decided to draw a blue heron. They're a really cool bird with lots of S and C curves. I'm just going to post the final sketch with my other sketches and the pictures I used as reference, and let those do the talking. I'm very open to any critiques. Thanks!
Here's the website where I found plenty of good pictures. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Great_Blue_Heron/photo-gallery/304479371
Asked for help
Hi, this is my first attempt before the demo. I had a lot of trouble getting the overall shape and shadows correct. feedback would be very much appreciated.