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added comment inLandmarks of the Human Body
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Here are some of my practices. Any feedback would be appreciated!
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I have troubles with this assignment because it's difficult to me simplify a complex figure into simpler shape. I want to still practicing this exercise but before it would be nice if you could give me some advice or point some things that are wrong in my drawings, thank you!
Hey, @debb! If you haven’t yet, I’d definitely recommend spending some time practicing drawing just the basic forms first (boxes, spheres and cylinders) before combining them into more complex structures. Try drawing a few pages with each form from various angles and get some feedback - this should certainly help set a ground for you to feel more confident with complex structures later on. Also, I’d suggest staying tuned for Stan’s Drawing Basics course. Hope this helps!
Overall pretty good and although you show knowledge of form you seem fearful to draw thru the form making them truly 3-dimensional. So youre missing out on connecting the volumes and dancing around the contour of the volume without actually executing the dimensional traits of these objective forms. Additionally think about does matter where you put the top and bottom line of a box it helps communicate the forms volume so think about the perspective in your construction Hope this helps
I think you are doing well. On the Black leopard pay attention to the direction the rear legs are going.. as the upper leg angles back and then down. I love the last three, especially the deer.
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Here are beans I've made this week, I think I really need to improve in the twisting part. Feedback is welcome :)
Nice energy and sense of form!
- Sometimes the centerline feels like it's not a centerline, but more a diagonal line. This can be tricky to get right, and you'll learn more about form later in the course. For now, just keep it in mind and try to activate a 3D-mindset. It could help to imagine touching the bean you've drawn as if it existed in space, and ask yourself whether you think the centerline is in the center of the form or not, and make your best guess.
- I like how you've use dark lines to emphasize places of strong force, stretch or pinch. Though you might want to start these lines more gradually so that they blend better with the light lines to bring more unity to the drawaing. Or you could make them less dark, so they stand out less.
This is more about composition than torso gesture, but it could be worth considering.
But it's not a hard rule: It could be a stylistic choise to add sudden dark lines to evoke a certain emotion in the viewer.
Hope this helps :)
Asked for help
I tried doing gesture years ago, but to be honest I was focusing in the contour of the pose and not in the action.
I started to practice gesture again a few weeks ago, and I think I have improved in these weeks.
I would appreciate any positive feedback to keep improving
Hi @debb I think these look really nice! Very gestural and a lot of energy!
- Sometimes you add small bumps that don't do much to help the gesture, or even hurts the gesture. Details are not bad in themselves, but could be if they are added habitually without a purpose. If you want to learn how to add details while maintaining the gesture, you might appreciate this video How Asymmetry and Anatomy Go Hand in Hand.
That video shows you how to add in detail, but you might benefit from practicing leaving out detail, drawing only what's essential for the pose. When you're able to simplify you can then move into adding more details, with the difference being that they are no longer just a habit, but a choise.
So if you see the possibility to connect multiple body parts with a single line (C,S or I) take it!
If you really want to push simplicity you could try this exercise:
Do gesture quicksketches using only 5 or fewer lines (CSI) + head and see if you can capture the pose.
-I also attached some practice tips that you might find helpful.
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
I'm no expert and am getting back into gesture again, but I'm at least noticing a few things, especially considering your line about "focusing on the contour of the post and not on the action."
- There are some really nice curves happening, especially around the above the waist and around the transition from the pelvis to the legs.
- It does seem like at times you are using the spine or line in the center of the chest to center your gestures but often times that line feels a little stiff and straight when compared to the contour lines.