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David D
added comment inProject - Simplify from Observation
Asked for help
Hey everyone!
first time through a drawing class after - any feedback would be great!
Great job man! Keep going!
Asked for help
I spent almost 2 hours trying to draw this, im scared to go into details and ruin it :)
its just a sketch. Not every thing you draw has to be perfect. Run towards the mistakes because those are what we learn from the most!
Stefan Sharkov
I chose to replicate two drawings from Jiří Trnka and one drawing from Glen Keane. I got carried away with the man in the hat drawing from Trnka. I tried to capture the gesture and momentum of Keane's lines but I worry I didn't capture the darkest darks and the texture of my pencil is throwing me off. Critiques would be appreciated.
Remade a favorite scene of mine from a manga. Looking at it now I can tell the face is so much skinnier but oh well I think the lines came out close to his original ones.
Trying level 2 before demo. Will try again after the demo, but wanted to post and see how I could improve to make these lines with more confidence.
I see the potential. You should draw lighter tho so that you aren’t as invested into the first lines you put down. I normally erase things over and over until I get the picture right so that the end product is much nicer.
But you do have nice lines on the skull.