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I'm not sure if I'm doing tapered strokes correctly
I don't feel confident about the boots.
Léo Ikhlef
You shouldn't feel that way ; I clearly see boots myself, so you did a great job drawing it ! :) Just one thing I noticed is maybe don't try using one single movement for your lines ! Stan said to use CSI lines but that doesn't mean you can't draw multiples lines to find the "right" one to highlight, or put more/less value, taper, etc... on each line ! I'd personnaly also give more value to those contour lines, to really make it stand out (The boots drawing). You did it well on the right shoe but it seems to stand out less on the left one. Overall, you made good drawings, they are recognizable and not weirdly sized : You just need more line confidence I think. Just trust yourself, allow the mistakes ;)
Hi This is my first time doing this. IDK
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